The Picasso
Building Project
The Picasso Guru has created two unique schemes that would transform an ordinary property or building development (commercial or residential) into a work of art, a living museum to the work of Pablo Picasso that will draw media attention from all over the world. This is achieved in two phases. The PR and desirability factor would increase the property's value and accelerate the off-plan sales.
First Phase
The first phase will include a Picasso work within every office, apartment, properties within a new development or an existing building.
The Picasso works do not necessarily have to be high-end Picasso works worth millions and the art can be tailored to a specific budget. These Picasso works can be Paintings, Sculptures, Lithographs, Etchings, Linocuts, Ceramics or Drawings from the lower end of the market or higher end works with a more substantial budget in mind.
As an example, a property development/building of 100 apartments/offices in an affluent area can have a Picasso in each apartment for a relatively low cost; i.e. a Picasso ceramic can cost £5000+ or a Lithograph or Linocut for £10,000 to £15,000+ or Drawings may be £50,000+.
A clause may be included in a development or property's title documents ensuring that a Picasso work will remain within the apartment/property and cannot be sold off separately.
Second Phase
The second scheme is to create a large Picasso Mosaic on the facade of the building under development (example above in slide) this can be a new build or existing structure, thus transforming an ordinary building development into a historic landmark, a tourist attraction for art lovers and art connoisseurs alike.
Mosaic - VS - Mural
While we have seen many murals in recent years appearing around the world, the benefits of a Mosiac in comparison to a Mural is longevity. A Mural may last a few short years and fade with time, whereas a Mosaic, can last as long as the building itself. As we know from ancient Roman and Greek history, Mosaics can remain intact while the buildings crumble to dust.
Developments Name
The building or developments name would also be an attractive pull for new buyers and investors. Some names that are a consideration may be The Picasso Plaza, The Picasso Promenade, The Picasso Tower, The Picasso Apartments and so on.
Although the Picasso Guru are specialists in the Works of Pablo Picasso, we are also very involved in impressionist art, and modern masters with our partners at DOMOS Art Advisors and similar schemes are available upon request or can be customised designed.
About Mosiacs
Mosaics have been used on buildings throughout history and were widely used in Ancient Rome and in Ancient Greece. A mosaic is constructed from small pieces or panels of ceramic and other materials which are known as tesserae. These have been traced back to Mesopotamia in the 3rd millennium BC. Mosaics such as Pebble mosaics such as the ones in Tiryns in Mycenean Greece had patterns and pictures, and early Christian basilicas were decorated with wall and ceiling mosaics.
TIBERIUS - The ArtistThe Picasso Guru Artistic Mosaics are designed by the artist "TIBERIUS" who is a Mosaic and contemporary artist with a background in architectural stonework and traditional mosaic craft.
Each of TIBERIUS's Artistic Mosaics is designed to highlight historically significant events, people and developments from our past with longevity and aesthetics in mind.
The Mosaic in the above slide with the Picasso Silhouette would be constructed of larger ceramic tiled panels or see-through materials depending on requirements. The other Mosaics on the slides above are constructed in the traditional classical style with smaller materials on panels.
The Picasso Guru team and TIBERIUS work closely with the developers throughout the entire process of planning, design and the creation the Artistic Mosaics. The Mosaics are preconstructed off-site and brought to the location in manageable sections assuring that there is less time at the actual development location, thus saving time and money. The benefits of this process are that the Mosaics can be removed to sell on or to repair separate panels that may get damaged over time.
The Grand Reveal
The Picasso Guru has many connections within the Art industry and Art media, ensuring widespread exposure for the schemes we also have connections with the Picasso Family and may be able to secure a member of Pablo Picasso's family to attend a grand reveal of the Mosaic or building that will have a Picasso work in each apartment office.